Who We Are

  • We’re the Salisbury Baptist Church. That means in all our brokenness, our flaws, our hurts, our joys, our good times, and everything in between, we are a community of people who belong to Jesus Christ, who died for us to save us from sin and wrongdoing, and who gives us new life through our faith in Him.

  • We also belong to Salisbury. We believe God has planted SBC in the heart of Salisbury to reveal the heart of God to our community..

  • We exist to be a loving, growing, serving church. That’s our mission, it’s what we strive for and and aspire to. We don’t always do this perfectly, but we do seek to be all God made us to be, and to help others to the same.

  • We offer weekly ministries open to CHILDREN, TEENS, YOUNG ADULTS, ADULTS, and SENIORS.

oUR beliefs

SBC is a Christian church, aligned with the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada.

Click here to read a statement of our Christian faith, known as the “Basis of Union.”

Click here to read a statement outlining those beliefs which distinguish our church as a Baptist church, known as “Baptist Distinctives.”
